Walking in a park near my for-now home, the crisp, Ukrainian winter air brushed against my rosy cheeks. My second day in the city of Dnipro, I’m curious to what adventure I’ll walk into— it’s just me and the Holy Spirit. Talking to Him as I walk, I take in the beauty that is this city. Leaves falling, the smoke of my breath in front of me, Christmas lights being hung…Then I proceeded to talk to Him,
Whoever, wherever Lord.
To be honest, I wasn’t really expecting anything. I’ve found that English is significantly less common here than in the countries we’ve been in prior. I walked around for about an hour just taking everything in. Finally, I felt something in my spirit saying,
That’s Him.
I look over and I see a young guy sitting on the park bench, writing, gently moving his head along to the beat that was coming out of his headphones.
Instantly, doubt crept in.
What if he’s busy?
What if he doesn’t speak English?
What if I don’t say the right words?
To me, these all seemed like reasonable excuses but that’s exactly what the enemy wanted me to stand on— fear and lack of urgency. I prayed, let the Lord calm my nerves, and went up to him.
Hi! Do you speak English?
Stunned that I approached him, I decided to take his wide eyes and smile as an invitation.
(We introduced ourselves)
God really loves you and He wants you to know that!
You talk to God?
All the time.
And that was the beginning of an hour-long conversation…
The young guy, Andrew, is a 19 year old university-student. He shared some of the troubles he’s gone through in life and the constant struggle of believing that God is good. Our conversation was light, but somehow still carried a lot of depth. As I prayed through it, I knew Jesus wanted me to let him know how much Andrew is loved and seen by Him. It was as if I felt His compassion flow through my body and the love Jesus felt for his son, Andrew. After our conversation, I sat down at a coffee shop and took some time to thank God for giving me the opportunity of what just happened and in the midst of it, I couldn’t help but write out a prayer for Andrew:
“Lord, thank you for letting me meet your son and having the opportunity to freely share the Truth of the Good News. I pray that You will meet him where he is at—that is the type of God you are. My faith is in you as well as my confidence. You love him deeply and yearn for his heart to be connected back to yours. Water the seed that’s been planted and keep placing people in his life that will point him to You.”
Andrew had never heard of the Gospel. Although he grew up going to church, the Good News that there is a God that sent His son to die so that we could be in relationship with Him and that He resurrected and is alive and active today was never on his radar. I was able to share my testimony and talk about what Jesus has done for me.
It really made me reflect; I’ve been given the free gift of salvation so who am I to keep that from my brothers and sisters? Trust me, I get it… I’ve been there, it can be awkward and uncomfortable but it’s there—in the awkward and uncomfortable, that the Lord reveals Himself most. So I encourage you, to push past and walk in faith. Let your confidence come from the One you serve because I guarantee there are plenty of “Andrews” right where you’re at!
“For this is what the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth’.”
Acts 13:47
Thank you so much for reading! I hope this encourages you to share His GOOD NEWS and I invite you to join me in praying for Andrew.
The Lord has been so faithful and it’s been an honor to partner with Him on this journey. I am currently still fundraising to stay on the mission-field until the summer of 2022. Please consider donating as we partner together to bring even MORE people into the Kingdom!
Until next time amigos,
Gina Oyuela-Dickinson:)
Isn’t it awesome how God directs our steps and we are the ones to reap the rewards?! So good, Gina. Thank you so much for sharing this as it points directly to my heart to look around and follow the Spirit’s call! I will be praying for Andrew’s path to be intersected by others. Love and blessings to you.
What a sweet story! Thanks for walking in obedience and listening to the Spirit! I know Andrew was encouraged, and also so many people reading this are encouraged too! Love you!
This blog does encourage me to be bold and reach out when Holy Spirit prompts. Thanks for moving out of your comfort zone and following the Lord’s voice!
LETS GOOOO!!! Come on Gina!!! Way to push past the discomfort and nerves and let God do His THANG through you!!!!
Way to be push through the fear and boldly share the Gospel Gina God has surely answered your prayers for Andrew and I join you on that prayer for him. To God be the Glory!